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EcoUnionist News #107
Compiled by x344543 - IWW Environmental Unionism Caucus, June 7, 2016
The following news items feature issues, discussions, campaigns, or information potentially relevant to green unionists:
Lead Stories:
- Climate Is Poised To Be A Divisive Issue For This Group Of Voters - By Samantha Page, Think Progress, June 3, 2016; [related]: Actually, the Labor-Green Alliance Has Never Been Stronger - By Zoë Carpenter, The Nation, May 24, 2016
- Media Blackout As France Witnesses Biggest Revolution In 200 Years - By Sean Adl-Tabatabai, YourNewsWire.Com, June 2, 2016; [related]: French workers answer back with strikes - By Elizabeth Schulte, Socialist Worker, June 1, 2016; [and]: Riots escalate across France as government refuses to reconsider labour law reform - By Alex Wheeler, International Business Times, May 27, 2016; [and finally]: Belgian Trade Unions Prepare for General Strike against “Labour Reforms” Proposed by the Federal Government - By guest, Revolution News, June 6, 2016
- What I Learned From the Mining Community That Produced My Engagement Ring - By Nicki Lisa Cole, Truthout, June 1, 2016
- Why There Could Be More Blasts Like 2015 ExxonMobil Torrance Oil Refinery Explosion, Putting Millions At Risk - By Larry Buhl, DeSmog Blog, June 1, 2016
Ongoing Mobilizations:
- Convergence In Support of Eco-Prisoners & Against Toxic Prisons - June 11-13, 2016
- Flush the TPP - Ongoing through 2016 | #FlushtheTPP
- March for a Clean Energy Revolution - July 24, 2016, Philadelphia | #CleanEnergyMarch
- TWAC Cascadia 2016 - August 8th-15th 2016
The Thin Green Line:
- Another Oil-By-Rail Fire Near Portland - By Roy L Hales, The ECOReport, June 3, 2016; [for more information] Join 1267 Watch!
Just Transition:
- As Coal Fades, What’s Next for Thousands of Miners? - By Reid Frazier, The Allegheny Front, June 3, 2016
- U.S. Solar Jobs Exceed Oil And Gas For First Time In 2015 - By Thomas R. Burton and Mintz Levin, Breaking Energy, June 2, 2016; [related]: There are more jobs in renewable energy than in oil, gas, and coal combined - By Heather Smith, Grist, May 31, 2016; [and ]: Renewable Energy Jobs Keep Growing While Fossil Fuel Jobs Keep Shrinking - By Mike Gaworecki, DeSmog Blog, May 27, 2016
- Group Aims for NY to Be Climate Leader with Nation’s Strongest Clean, Renewable Energy Bill - By staff, Environmental Advocates of New York, June 1, 2016
- Led By Solar And Wind, Renewable Energy Grew Like Never Before Last Year - By Alejandro Davila Fragoso, Think Progress, June 1, 2016; [related]: A Record Year for Renewables - By Andy Rowell, Oil Change International, June 1, 2016; [and]: Wind and solar drive rise in renewable generation as costs fall - By Sophie Vorrath, REnew Economy, May 31, 2016
- New York Assembly Approves Climate Bill That Would Cut Emissions to Zero - By Zahra Hirji, InsideClimate News, June 1, 2016
- Organizing to put the Leap Manifesto to work - Bianca Mugyenyi and Martin Lukacs interviewed by Scott Neigh, Talking Radical Radio, June 1, 2016; [related]: Leap Manifesto [You Tube Video] - By Avi Lewis, The Murphy Institute, May 31, 2016
- TVUH talks our energy, environment and employment future with Iron & Earth - Lliam Hildebrand interviewed by Canadian Glen, Blog Talk Radio, May 31, 2016
Bread and Roses:
- UAWC Statement on World Environment Day - By Union of Agricultural Work Committees, La Via Campesina, June 6, 2016
- MST-Goiás statement on the policy of harassment against fighters for agrarian reform - By MST-Goiás, La Via Campesina, June 3, 2016
- Three Bible quotes later, no extra overtime pay for farmworkers - By Jeremy B. White, Sacramento Bee, June 2, 2016; [related]: Assembly kills bill to give California farmworkers overtime pay - By John Myers, Los Angeles Times, June 2, 2016
- BAFLF: Government must be prepared for the post subsidy era - By Abdul Mazid and Golam Sorowor, La Via Campesina, June 1, 2016
- CAP 2020: More deregulation will not solve the problems - By Geneviève Savigny, et. al., La Via Campesina, June 1, 2016
- Declaration against the criminalisation, persecution and judicialization of the struggle for the defence of life, rights, land, water, seeds and mother earth - By various, La Via Campesina, June 1, 2016
- Farmworkers March across New York State for the Right to Organize - By Sonia Singh, Labor Notes, June 1, 2016
- Dow-DuPont Merger Will Cripple Farmers and Food Sovereignty, Groups Warn - By Nika Knight, Common Dreams, May 31, 2016; [related]: Logan: Enough is Enough on Big Mergers - By Ron Sylvester, Ohio Farmers Union, May 31, 2016
- National boycott takes center stage at Wendy’s annual shareholder meeting! - By staff, Coalition of Immokalee Workers, May 31, 2016
- Boycott berries? A third generation Sakuma Brothers worker weighs in - By Elizabeth Alvarado, The Seattle Globalist, May 30, 2016; [related]: Renewed Concern Over Labor Dispute at Washington Farm - By Kerstin Lindgren and Anna Canning, Fair World Project, May 26, 2016
- From Albrecht to Monsanto: A System Not Run for the Public Good Can Never Serve the Public Good - By Colin Todhunter, Counterpunch, May 30, 2016
- Joint Statement: 3rd OEIWG session on UN declaration on rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas - By various, La Via Campesina, May 30, 2016
An Injury to One is an Injury to All:
- “Ramu NiCo to reopen after investigations” – or will it…? - By Jeffrey Elapa, Post Courier, June 6, 2016; [related]: Fiji: Probe over mine death continues - By Serafina Silaitoga, The Fiji Times, June 3, 2016
- Workers with silicosis win legal victory in South Africa - By Richard, London Mining Network, June 5, 2016
- Toxic Curve Ball: Why Outdated Assumptions to Determine “Safe Levels” of Toxicants Forfeit the Game - By Kristine Mattis, Counterpunch, June 3, 2016
- Williams Companies Failed To Protect Employees in Plymouth LNG Explosion - By Tarika Powell, Sightline Institute, June 3, 2016
- Open season on harassing fisheries observers - By Kirsten Stade, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, June 2, 2016; [related]: Attacks against federal range and forest workers on rise - By Kirsten Stade, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, May 31, 2016
- A new EU Roadmap on carcinogens - By Jukka Takala, European Trade Union Institute, May 31, 2016
- Canaveral Seashore screw-up parade marches on - By Kirsten Stade, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, June 6, 2016
- Multiple Lockdowns Prevent Pipeline Construction in Two Vermont Counties - By Rising Tide Vermont, Earth First! Newswire, June 6, 2016
- Call Out: Month for the Earth and Against Capital, June 5 – July 5 - Translated by Scott Campbell, It's Going Down, June 4, 2016
- Nine fun ways to revolt against oppressive governments - By Sarah Beuhler, Rabble.Ca, June 1, 2016
- Aquatic ‘First Responders’ Form Mosquito Fleet To Halt Climate Change & Shell Oil - By Kit O'Connell, Mint News Press, May 31, 2016; [related]: Pushing back the polluters in Washington - By Brian Huseby, Socialist Worker, May 31, 2016
- France's Nuit Debout Movement's White, Middle-Class Problem - By Marion Deschamps, TeleSUR, May 26, 2016
Other News:
- In Defense of Ecological Marxism: John Bellamy Foster responds to a critic - By Ian Angus, Climate and Capitalism, June 6, 2016
- This U.S. City Is a Sustainable Utopia—Here's What They Have Accomplished & Where They Are Headed - By Brian Holland & Juan Wei, Alternet, June 2, 2016
- Video: Ian Angus introduces ‘Facing the Anthropocene’ - By Green Left TV, Climate and Capitalism, May 30, 2016
For more green news, please visit our news feeds section on; Twitter #IWWEUC; Hashtags: #greenunionism #greensyndicalism #IWW. Please send suggested news items to include in this series to euc [at]
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The Fine Print I:
Disclaimer: The views expressed on this site are not the official position of the IWW (or even the IWW’s EUC) unless otherwise indicated and do not necessarily represent the views of anyone but the author’s, nor should it be assumed that any of these authors automatically support the IWW or endorse any of its positions.
Further: the inclusion of a link on our site (other than the link to the main IWW site) does not imply endorsement by or an alliance with the IWW. These sites have been chosen by our members due to their perceived relevance to the IWW EUC and are included here for informational purposes only. If you have any suggestions or comments on any of the links included (or not included) above, please contact us.
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