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EcoUnionist News #109
Compiled by x344543 - IWW Environmental Unionism Caucus, June 21, 2016
The following news items feature issues, discussions, campaigns, or information potentially relevant to green unionists:
Lead Stories:
- Oil Companies Facing Spurt of Lawsuits After Robbing Oilfield Workers of Millions in Wages - By Larry Buhl, DeSmog Blog, June 19, 2016
- Rolling blockade at Burghfield nuclear weapons factory - By Theo Simon, Red Pepper, June 16, 2016
- American Seafood Has Its Own Forced Labor Problem - By Alex Sammon, Mother Jones, June 15, 2016; [related]: Let’s stop the downgrading of workers and jobs in supply chains - By Steve Cotton, Equal Times, June 7, 2016
- Nigeria: Niger Delta Avengers Threaten Further Violence in Oil-Producing Region - By Conor Gaffey, Newsweek, June 14, 2016
- Don’t Mess with the Corn: Lessons from Mexico’s Struggle against GMOs - By Soledad Barruti, Argentina Independent, June 7, 2016
Ongoing Mobilizations:
- Flush the TPP - Ongoing through 2016 | #FlushtheTPP
- March for a Clean Energy Revolution - July 24, 2016, Philadelphia | #CleanEnergyMarch
- TWAC Cascadia 2016 - August 8th-15th 2016
The Thin Green Line:
- Public health experts expose coal hazard ‘protection’ fallacies - By Steve Masover, No Coal in Oakland, June 19, 2016
- Over a Quarter of a Million Public Comments Against Largest Coal Export Terminal in North America - By staff, Power Past Coal, June 13, 2016
- Bay Area Residents and Environmental Advocates Push Swift Adoption of Rule to Cap Refinery Emissions - By Andrés Soto and Ratha Lai, Communities for a Better Environment and Sierra Club SF Bay Chapter, June 14, 2016; [related]: Cap Bay Area refinery emissions now - By Andrés Soto and Sandy Saeteurn, San Francisco Chronicle, June 12, 2016
- Tesoro refinery expansion poses risk to community - By Alicia Rivera, Daily Breeze, June 3, 2016
Just Transition:
- Oil Sands Workers Fear Becoming Climate Change Casualties - By Mychaylo Prystupa, The Tyee, June 17, 2016
- 50% Renewables In Australia Could Create 28,000 New Jobs By 2030 - By Joshua S Hill, Clean Technica, June 17, 2016
- Australian taxpayers could pay billions to clean up old mines, report says - By Thom Mitchell, New Matilda, June 16, 2016
- Here’s How We Get to 100% Renewable Energy - By Richard Heinberg, EcoWatch, June 15, 2016
- Public Banks as the Antithesis of Neoliberalism - By Matt Stannard, Public Banking Institute, May 19, 2016
- Our Fossil-Fuel Economy Destroys the Earth and Exploits Humanity; Here's the Shift We Need to Be Sustainable - By Iliana Salazar-Dodge, Alternet, May 12, 2016
Bread and Roses:
- Pathways of Transition to Agroecological Food Systems - By Adam Parsons, CounterPunch, June 17, 2016
- TTIP and CETA: We won't let them trade us away - By Hanny van Geel, et. al., La Via Campesina, June 16, 2016; [related]: NFU Action alert: Trans Pacific Partnership input deadline coming soon - By National Farmers' Union, La Via Campesina, June 16, 2016
- Women lead the fight against corporate agriculture around the world - By Mark Karlin, Rabble.Ca, June 16, 2016
- “This Program should be everywhere…” - By staff, Coalition of Immokalee Workers, June 15, 2016
- Land Reform and food sovereignty - By Nyéléni, La Via Campesina, June 14, 2016
- With Measure 1 Failure, DRC Applauds North Dakotans for Mobilizing and Rejecting Corporate Farming - By staff, Dakota Resource Council, June 14, 2016
- Sakuma Brothers Farms Raises Wages After Farmworkers Walk Off the Job - By Ansel Herz, The Stranger, June 13, 2016
An Injury to One is an Injury to All:
- NUMSA supports the Working on Fire workers - By Patrick Craven, NUMSA, June 17, 2016
- City of Alexandria tries to censor ATU 981 transit workers - By staff, ATU, June 16, 2016
- Federal regulators must prohibit one-person freight train crews - By staff, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen, June 16, 2016
- Nearly half of NYC private garbage trucks have maintenance issues; drivers say they’re ‘unsafe for everyone’ - By Dan Rivoli, New York Daily News, June 16, 2016
- Toxic Chemicals Found in Residents Living Near Oil and Gas Operations in Pavillion, Wyoming - By Coming Clean, EcoWatch, June 16, 2016
- Payout for widow of forestry worker killed near Stratford - By Jeremy Wilkinson, Stuff, June 3, 2016
- OSHA launches pilot program for severe violators of whistleblower protection laws - By staff,, June 7, 2016
- Amazon Tribe Blockade Railroad in Protest against Brazilian Mining Giant - By staff, Native News Online, June 18, 2016
- BXE hijacks stage at VA Energy Policy Forum - By staff, Beyond Extreme Energy, June 17, 2016
- Environmental Justice Activists Fight Plans for Federal Prison on Mountaintop-Removal Site - By Candice Bernd, Truthout, June 17, 2016; [related]: Fight Toxic Prisons march blockades Bureau of Prisons - By staff, The Campaign to Fight Toxic Prisons, June 13, 2016
- Chaos Erupts in Paris as Riot Police Unleash on 50,000-Strong Labor Protest - By Lauren McCauley, Common Dreams, June 14, 2016; [related]: At least 40 injured, 58 arrested in Paris anti-labor reform protests - By staff, Russia Times, June 14, 2016; [and]: Bring the French government to its knees - By Darren Roso, Red Flag, June 12, 2016
- Divestment Crusaders Hold Stanford Donations Hostage - By Julianne Geiger, OilPrice.Com, June 14, 2016
- New Yorkers Erect Giant Tripod In Front Of AIM Pipeline Site - By JC Reindl, Inside Climate News, June 14, 2016
- Protesters Tell Feds to 'Keep It in the Ground' at Fossil Fuel Auction in Reno; Nevadans to Obama: Halt Lease Sales Now to Protect Water, Land, Wildlife, Climate Future - By Valarie Love, et. al., Center for Biological Diversity, et. al., June 14, 2016
- Southern Oregon landowners and allies declare eminent domain over Williams Company regional office in Eugene, demand halt to LNG Pipeline Project - By staff, Southern Oregon Rising Tide, June 14, 2016
- Spreading “Seeds of Resistance” against Pipelines - By Collin Rees, Oil Change International, June 14, 2016
- Third Tree-Sit Against Fracked Gas Pipeline Ends in Arrest, Group Vows to Continue Fight - By staff, Rising Tide Vermont, June 14, 2016
- Two hundred Indigenous U'wa occupy gas plant in Colombia - By Charlie Satow, Center for World Indigenous Studies, June 14, 2016
- Detroit sides with anarchists over developer in land bid - By JC Reindl, Detroit Free Press, June 10, 2016
Other News:
- Harvard Study Finds $38 Billion Economic Benefit From EPA’s Carbon Rule - By Alejandro Davila Fragoso, Think Progress, June 19, 2016
- How Labor and Environmental Groups Are (Finally) Finding Common Ground - By Julie Grant, Allegheny Front, June 17, 2016
- Working Collectively Beats Working for a Boss - By Pete Dolack, CounterPunch, June 17, 2016; [related]: The Next Boom for Worker Co-ops? - By Keli A. Tianga, Shelterforce, May 3, 2016
- A brother’s tragic passing: Facing death in life - By Patrick Mazza, Cascadia Planet, June 15, 2016
- Why is logging dying? Blame the market - By George Wuerthner, High Country News, June 15, 2016
For more green news, please visit our news feeds section on; Twitter #IWWEUC; Hashtags: #greenunionism #greensyndicalism #IWW. Please send suggested news items to include in this series to euc [at]
Disclaimer: The views expressed here are not the official position of the IWW (or even the IWW’s EUC) and do not necessarily represent the views of anyone but the author’s.
The Fine Print I:
Disclaimer: The views expressed on this site are not the official position of the IWW (or even the IWW’s EUC) unless otherwise indicated and do not necessarily represent the views of anyone but the author’s, nor should it be assumed that any of these authors automatically support the IWW or endorse any of its positions.
Further: the inclusion of a link on our site (other than the link to the main IWW site) does not imply endorsement by or an alliance with the IWW. These sites have been chosen by our members due to their perceived relevance to the IWW EUC and are included here for informational purposes only. If you have any suggestions or comments on any of the links included (or not included) above, please contact us.
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