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Chapter 27: Boomer Jim
As reprinted from Lumberjack News:
Comes to mind now, a boomer lumberjack that I knew in the logging cams of Northern Minnesota in 1915. He was a damned State of Mainer, but a good man for all that with, but a good man for all that with an idiot stick (can't hook to you) and he could do a good job with the old Swedish Fiddle, Misery Whip (crosscut saw). He would even swear a blue streak with the best of 'em as every one knows you can't log without that.
Yessir, old Boomer was a preacher in that small town north of Bemidji, Minnesota, and his favorite sermon was about how there would be hell to pay when, "Gabriel blew his horn", and he harped on that every Sunday.
Some high school boys hid in the belfry one Sunday and when old Boomer came to that part about "Gabriel", the boys cut loose with a trumpet-and there WAS hell to pay! All hands rushed to the door and old Boomer was up there using his elbows to make room and hollering, "Lemme outta here, Goddam a church with only one door into it anyway."
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