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Chapter 29: The Modern Umbrella Man
We all remember the Munich pact of 1938 when the "Umbrella Man Neville Chamberlain, Premier of Britain sold the non-Fascist world down the river to Adolph Hitler on the false premise of gaining "peace in our time". Can we ever forget?
Now comes one, Nikita Krushev, premier of the Soviet Union and leader of the modern revisionists saying the same thing and doing practically the same chore for world reaction. We refer to the Cuban missile crisis. Consider this: There was no prior consultation of the Socialist bloc, no consultation with the Castro Government, nor with the Chinese Government. Mr. Krushev simply took it upon himself to deal with the Imperialist naval blockade, and to sell the world communist and liberation movements "down the river".
Where were the counter demands for withdrawal of [US] missiles from Turkey and from NATO powers? Where were the demands for dismantling missiles aimed directly at Cuba from Florida? Did the Castro Government ever order an invasion of the US? Did the Castro Government ever threaten to invade the US? What makes "our" missiles"defensive" and all others "offensive"? As to any pledge given by the US imperialist Government not to invade Cuba, what about the continuing buildup of forces at the Guantanamo naval base? Isn't this an invasion? Remember, that base is being kept there by force and against the will of the Cuban Government and people.
We all remember the "Spirit of Camp David" and about Eisenhower, the "man of peace" (until the U2 episode). And we must remember the Krushev remark about "comrade Tito" Yes! The "crusade" that jails the communists in Yugoslavia. The "comrade" that gets military planes from the imperialists. So much for the "Umbrella Man".
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