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Workers and Just Transition: A Global View

By various - Labor Network for Sustainability, December 5, 2021

With the election of a President who acknowledges the threats of climate change and of ongoing economic devastation for working people, we have an opportunity to seriously address how to make a transition to a climate-safe, socially-just, worker-friendly society. The primary objective of the Just Transition Listening Project (JTLP) is to ensure workers and community voices are central to the conversation of a Green New Deal and other climate policies. 

On Saturday, Dec. 5 at 12 p.m. Eastern, the Labor Network for Sustainability and the JTLP Organizing Committee will bring together labor and policy leaders to share perspectives, stories, and strategies from the frontlines of the struggle for a just transition globally. This will be the sixth webinar in the JTLP series. In addition to the webinar series we conducted interviews with more than 100 community leaders and workers to learn of their experiences and perspectives on Just Transition. Our report from these interviews will be available in January.

From the experiences of metalworkers in South Africa to the coal miners in Spain, to workers across sectors in Latin America and across the world, the struggle for a just transition is truly global. In order to effectively address the worldwide transitions we are facing in our jobs, environments, and homes, we must demand a worldwide response. Join us on Saturday, Dec. 5 as we learn from each other and set the stage for finalizing and distributing our report to help us win the struggle to protect jobs, communities and the right to thrive as we work toward a society that is ecologically sustainable and just. 

Featured Speakers

  • Moderator: Richard Lipsitz - President, Western New York Area Labor Federation
  • Panelist: Ana Belén Sanchez - Regional Specialist in Green Employment, International Labor Organization
  • Panelist: Samantha Smith - Director, Just Transition Centre, International Trade Union Confederation
  • Panelist: Mariano Sanz Lubeiro - Confederal Secretary of Environment and Mobility, Workers’ Commissions, Spain
  • Panelist: Dinga Sikwebu - National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa
  • Panelist: Woodrajh Aroun - National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa

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