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VICTORY!! at Ethos Light Turbine shop in Houston

Interview of Marti Garza - The Texas Labor Podcast, June 25, 2023

Joined by Marti Garza, we discuss the recent NLRB union election for the employees at the Ethos Light Turbine shop in Houston Texas. Marti fills us in on the why & the how. From the tactics the company used to the solidarity and resolve of the united Ethos employees.

With the right to organize being the foundation of our rights as workers in this country, yet only 12% of all workplaces that wish to have a union get their wish, this is an extraordinary victory!!

In 1911 in one of the toughest times in US history to be a worker. The Triangle Shirtwaist factory caught fire killing nearly 100 workers many of them young immigrant women who were trapped due to management locking the workers in, preventing escape. In this unspeakable atrocity, we see the steps management will take to keep us producing. this event also raises the question, should owners be able to profit from the death of its workers?

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