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Chapter 23: The Developing Crisis

I submitted an article for publication in the Humboldt Forumon December 15, 1961 when I was editor of Lumberjack News at Eureka, California. The article was printed under the following statement:

"The opinions reflected in the following article are not necessarily those of the Forum staff. Its inclusion represents continued effort on the part of the staff to give equal representation to all views. The Forum welcomes articles in answer to this one and will consider publishing one or more, depending upon their merit."

Chapter 22: The IWW in the Lumber Industry

Web Editor's Note: This chapter is not included as originally presented in Scribbner's original text, because it's an excerpt from James Rowan's book, The IWW in the Lumber Industry, which is featured elsewhere on this site. Instead we offer a link to that work, here.

Chapter 21: The Lumberjack's Prayer, T-Bone Slim

By T-Bone Slim (Matt Valentine Huhta) - early 1920s
Tune: Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow

I pray dear Lord for Jesus' sake
Give us this day a T Bone steak
Hallowed be thy holy name
But don't forget to send the same

Oh hear my humble cry, oh Lord
And send me down some decent board
Brown gravy and some German fried
With sliced tomatoes on the side

Chapter 20: Tranquilizers

'Short Log Gabriel' and yours truly had just unloaded off a manifest freight train in the yards at Eugene, Oregon along about June f 1957. She was going a pretty good clatter, and when we unloaded old Short Log had to go and stub his tow on the end of a tie on the roadbed, In the first place he is kinda short coupled and sway backed, like one of them percheron horses, and his feet ain't able to keep up, so he comes a cropper.

Chapter 18: Militarism

In order to bear me out on what I said of Imperialism i.e. that it is, "the export of capital to the sources of raw material." Let us review a statement by Major General Smedley D Butler, former commandant of the US Marines, as quoted from the magazine, Common Sense November, 1935.

Major General Smedley D Butler.

Chapter 17: What's Going On?, May 1965

Here is an excerpt from the Redwood Ripsaw that I wrote in May 1965. The next chapter contains a quote from the works of Major general Smedley Butler, former Commandant of the US Marines.

There is a lot of talk these days of American Imperialism, Freedom, Democracy, Socialism, Free Enterprise, etc.

Chapter 16: Big George and the Scab

It seems to me that Big George told me that it happened up in Portland on the skidroad, but I won't vouch for the exact spot, but dad gum it, he told me anyway, so I will try and set it down. Also, Big George and I were lapping up a beer or two up in Aberdeen on the Harbor when he told me.

Chapter 15: Excerpts from Lumberjack News

We have a new solution to the war business! Brand new and Revolutionary-cops there is that damn word that will get it rejected sure as hell! Anyway, here it is: seeing as how even the unions, as well as management (naturally) keep insisting on more and more armaments, why not gain an international agreement whereby ALL nations will INCREASE their arms bizz. by say 50%? Let it be included in the agreement that once each year all nations, (with UN observers) will dump all of this war gear into the ocean!

Chapter 14: Sierra Pond Monkey

I (Tom Scribner) wrote this last summer (1965) especially for this book.

So you get tired of running a dinky old newspaper, the Redwood Ripsaw, and you figure you need a "vacation" away from the coastal fog and other frustrations too numerous to mention. So, it came to pass that I wrote a letter to Douglas Lumber Corporation up at Truckee, California for a pond monkey job. The "super", Nate Topal answered by saying, "Come up and go to work." Arrived in Truckee in the midst of a spell of hot weather as its thunder shower time in the Sierra


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