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lumber workers

Chapter 12: The Social Revolution, Eugene V. Debs

Reprinted herewith is a classic anti-war article by the redoubtable Eugene V Debs, the great American Socialist - September 11, 1915

Since my characterization of the soldier, in the jingo press, I have been asked if I was opposed to all war, and if I would refuse to be a soldier and fight under any circumstances and to make my answer thru the Appeal to Reason. NO: I am not opposed to all war, nor opposed to fighting under all circumstances, and any declaration to the contrary would disqualify me as a revolutionist.

Chapter 11: Surplus and Shortages

I wrote this and published it in the Redwood Ripsaw of Davenport, California last year (1965).

A few years back, this chicken was walking down a country road up in Oregon in search of a new master. The mill where I worked had shut down leaving only thousands of acres of stumps. The owner had taken off for Sunny California to enjoy the fruits of his laboror of other peoples labor, depending on how you look at it.

Chapter 10: Lumberjack Science Fiction

This appeared in the Lumberjack News of Eureka, California and in Vanguard, of New York.

Chapter 9: The Clean Bomb

And THIS from the Lumberjack News of Eureka, California.

Chapter 8: The Jack Ash Society

And this one appeared in Lumberjack News of Eureka, California; Vanguard of New York, and New South Revue of Louisville, KY.

We are now all familiar with the John Birch Society, but little is known of its splinter group, the "Grand Demoniac Sons of Birchers" (GDSOBs), however it is widely suspected that they are pretty much alike. And now comes a new split in the Birchers, and its bound to spread to the GDSOBs This new splinter calls itself the "Jack Ash Society"

Chapter 7: Council Meeting in Barbaria

The following also appeared in Lumberjack News when it was published in Eureka, California. It also appeared in Vanguard of New York.

The chief is disturbed. He has heard a lot of rumors about "Progress" among the Red Barbarians up on the hill, so he has decided to call a special meeting of the council. He steps outside, picks up a club and proceeds to beat a tattoo signal on a hollow log. Five minutes later the council members arrive at the thatched hut of the Chief. He bangs his club on a stone slab and the Council comes to order.

Chapter 6: The American Standard of Living

Following is an article on American Standard of Living written by me in first issue of the Lumberjack News then located at Fort Seward, California in October of 1957.

Chapter 5: The Fast Rigs I've Seen

Not all of my life in the timber has been confined to the logging end of it as this article will show. I wrote this following article which was printed in the Lumbermans Magazine of Portland, Oregon in August of 1957.

The "Fast Rig" is a sawmill carriage. To be specific, this fast rig is most generally found in the pine timber country. The whole question of "fast" is relative, as nearly every sawmill town from the Lake States to Seattle, Washington has the "fastest rig" either real, or imagined.

Chapter 4: Bigfoot

And also from the pages of Lumberjack News, located at that time in Eureka, California.

There is a hell of an uproar in the nations press about the giant roaming the hills of Humboldt and Del Norte County. He makes footprints 16 inches long and seven inches wide! They all try and make out that it's a big mystery but it's no mystery at all to us old time lumberjacks, especially to those among us who were logging in the vicinity years ago. We knowed him as Bigfoot Wallace, and I got to know the gent quite well back in 1919.

Chapter 3: Jungle Warfare

This first appeared in the Lumberjack News of Eureka, California and in 1964 in the Redwood Ripsaw. Ye editor was the author of this book.

Gee Whiz Two, (Army Intelligence) had just called me back into service on account of I was in the army 45 years ago, and having been a lumberjack for fifty years ago, they figured I would understand jungle warfare, and would be just the cookie for Vietnam.


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