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Dorset Group of the IWW and IWW EUC Launched at Poole Community Green Fair

By x375261 - IWW Environmental Unionism Caucus, September 3, 2014

Disclaimer: The views expressed here are not the official position of the IWW (or even the IWW’s EUC) and do not necessarily represent the views of anyone but the author’s.

Dorset Green Community Fair took place over the weekend and provided a welcome alternative to the war junkie attraction of the annual Bournemouth air show, where, a source reported there was a large military presence engaging in a dubious attempt to convince Joe Public that state terrorism is a good thing and it may be worth their while packing their kids off to some remote foreign field just to get them back in bits in the state approved body bag(s).

The usual suspects from the reformist tendency were in attendance pushing yet more discredited ideas to persuade visitors that you can reform capitalism and deal effectively with the ecological crisis. Can't be done.

After the shambles in Brighton we now know the Green Party are no better than any other political party when it comes to any idea of a radical solution to the ecological nightmare about to befall us all. The bottom line is they are just tories on bikes (Boris Johnson x many by any other name).

Probably the stall that had the most impact was the launch of the newly formed Dorset Group of The Industrial Workers of the World and their Environmental Unionist Caucus (

The Fine Print I:

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