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A2. Green Unionism

"There can be no socialism on a dead planet" Catching up with Councillor Jon Burke.

Manchester Green New Deal Podcast - Mon, 12/14/2020 - 03:00

**Apologies for some of the audio issues, Andrew had a night off**

As the nights draw in and  the GND team snuggle up in our cozy, retrofitted, zero carbon  house of the future (powered entirely by the hot air supplied by Andrew) it's time for a catch up with the low traffic neighbourhood Santa Claus himself, Councillor Jon Burke of Hackney.

This week we discuss the on going campaign to make Hackneys streets for people not just cars, the climate impacts of catering the world to cars and we debunk myths about low traffic neighbourhoods.


Jons' article in the Huffington Post on electric vehicles

The Hackney Citizen article on the journey from against to for LTNS

Shout outs

Claire Stocks- XR and Walk Ride GM campaigner

Chris Stark- chief exec at the Climate Change Committee (UK)

Scarlett West- Climate activist

Alice Toomer McAlpine - Manchester Meteor Co-editor

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Categories: A2. Green Unionism

"We have to clarify getting back to normal is not a good idea" The commodification of everything with Adrienne Buller

Manchester Green New Deal Podcast - Mon, 12/07/2020 - 03:00

If there is one thing to be said about the last 40 years of Neoliberalism it's this. You can put a price on everything. If it can be quantified then it can be priced and sold. Even when it comes to the existential threat of climate breakdown and biodiversity destruction the strategy has been give it a price tag and then someone in the system can pay for the damage.  Existence has turned into a game of who will pick up the insurance policy excess.  Does the commodification of everything give us the tools to tackle climate change? Or are we green washing are way extinction?

This week we are joined on the show by Adrienne Buller (@adribuller) Senior Research Fellow at Common Wealth. We discuss how green finance is a cover for some of the markets ecological sins, could UBS be a pathway out climate breakdown and how should the labour party  define its self, now the tories have supposedly become the big spenders?

Adriennes' article on attaching market value to life

Dealing with the commodification of housing.

Governing the Commons by Elinor Ostrum

Progressive International

Shout Outs

The Standsted 15, here's a short film on their story.

Sophie Yeo - @some_yeo

the Yard @theyard_mcr a fantastic venue/co working space in North Manchester

Luca Rudlin- Amazing Videographer, editor and all round amazing dude

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Categories: A2. Green Unionism

"Degrowth is Punk!" Combining GND and Degrowth with Riccardo Mastini

Manchester Green New Deal Podcast - Mon, 11/30/2020 - 03:00

We find degrowth fascinating. For us as a show it really turns the world upside on what we should see a human progress. However, you'll be hard pressed to find its message front and center of any political parties commitments unlike the Green New Deal.  So are these ideas compatible? Can parties stand on a platform of Degrowth? Or is political hope too tied to the idea of growth?

This week we are joined by Riccardo Mastini (@r_mastini) to discuss how the concept of degrowth fits inside a Green New Deal, the ideological frame work of Growth, is Modern Monetary Theory a boon for degrowthers? And are humans intrinsically good people?

Shout outs
The Trouble Webzine on eco-socialism


Positive Money
The tragedy of Growth

Common Wealth- think tank specialising in new ownership models.

Retrofit Get in project Articles 

Mancehster Meteor @nickjwprescott

The Guardian

Issac Rose from GM Housing Action

A letter to Corbyn

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Categories: A2. Green Unionism

"Kill the Corporation before it kills us!" Ecocide with Prof. David Whyte

Manchester Green New Deal Podcast - Mon, 11/23/2020 - 03:00

For decades, we were told that individual action was the best way to tackle the climate crisis. If only we would stop using plastic bags and straws, while taking care to recycle, through behavioural change we could prevent climate change.

Yet the rise of XR and the school climate strikers, and their clarion call “system change not climate change”, suggests climate breakdown is an economic crisis rather than a moral dilemma. To fight against climate change is to fight against capitalism. But if we want to fight the good fight, first we must understand how capitalism works.

Joining us on the podcast this week is Professor of Socio-legal Studies at the University of Liverpool, Professor David Whyte. We discuss David Whyte’s new book, ‘Ecocide: Kill the Corporation Before it Kills Us’, in which David makes the case that we must rid ourselves of the profit-making corporation altogether. We delve into the architecture and history of corporate capitalism, the shortcomings of regulatory approaches to curbing the corporation’s ecocidal tendencies, and the complex role played by organised labour in fighting climate breakdown and international injustice.

David's book Ecocide: Kill the Corporation before it kills us

Green Peace oil and gas worker survey

Shout outs
Tina Louise Rothery-  Anti fracking activist

Anne Roy- David's mentor and colleague

All the people who love or live with people with learning disabilities in particular 
@SEND_Action and Liz Crow

Conrad Bower- Editor of the meteor 

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The Retrofit Get-in Project

Manchester Green New Deal Podcast - Mon, 11/16/2020 - 03:00

It's been a pretty rough year to put it mildly. A planet ravaged by a pandemic and incompetent governance being the order of the day, hope has been hard to find. Politics has been listless at best. But being a member of the Labour Party isn't about waiting around for a CLP to tell you to go canvassing, it's not about waiting for a just government it's about taking on injustice and supporting each other. So instead of waiting for orders from on high, we got to work. 

The Retrofit Get-in Project is a scheme setup by  our own resident producer Andrew Glassford and Red Co-op (@RedCooperative) to support theatre and live events workers.  The project takes the multi-skilled talents of theatre workers and puts them to use tackling the climate crisis by retrofitting homes. The Retrofit Get-in Project provides good green jobs to a sector that is on its knees.  

This week we welcome back Charlie Baker from Red Co-op and give a warm welcome to Rebecca Slack one of the workers on the project. 

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Categories: A2. Green Unionism

"If your economy isn't supporting human flourishing, what's the point?" Interview with Prof. Julia Steinberger

Manchester Green New Deal Podcast - Mon, 11/09/2020 - 03:00

Note: This episode was recorded before the results of the U.S election were published. 

How do we define the success of a city? Or a country? Or human civilisation all together? The last 60 years we've been tied to GDP, growth, trade surpluses, amounts of debt, the strength of currency. Economic strength has been the barometer for the majority of the world to look to when we want to know how we're doing. If stock and shares are high surely there can't be any problems? When an economy bifurcates massively between the haves and the have nots,  and to become a haver you need to extract from the environment considerably, measures of economic superiority really start to miss the point. So what's the alternative? 

Joining us on the podcast this week is Professor Julia Steinberger ( @JKSteinberger). Julia is a Professor in social ecology and ecological economics at l'Université de Lausanne in Switzerland and is currently working on the next IPCC report on climate change . We discuss the links between consumption and capitalist affluence, how epicurean philosophy has informed economics of the past 50 years and the balancing act of extraction for a greener future. 

Shout outs

Councillor Jon Burke

Marcus Rashford

Swiss campaign for corporate accountability 

Scientists warning on affluence (co-authored by Julia)

The Flawed science of deep adaptation

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Categories: A2. Green Unionism

"God isn't destroying the Earth, we're destroying the Earth" Religion and environmentalism with Rev. Grace Thomas.

Manchester Green New Deal Podcast - Mon, 10/26/2020 - 04:00

As a blanket statement, Left politics is about establishing and maintaining mass movements, thousands hopefully millions of people into a cohesive group to fight back against concentration of power in the world.  At the same time left wing politics is classically factious with splinter groups and offshoots starting regularly.  Looking into a different sphere in 2011, 59 million people saw them selves as Christians in the UK.  So what is religion getting so right that maybe we're getting wrong? What do Christians in the U.K think about climate change? And what do they want to do about it? 

This week we are joined by Reverend Grace Thomas (@GraceREThomas) from Moss side to discuss, building communities, the christian approach to climate change and was Jesus really a socialist?

Shout outs
Inspired by grace blakeley's new podcast A World to Win, where she recently interviewed Cornell West on Christian Socialism.

 Cornel West 

Grace Blakeley 

Greater Manchester Savers network 

Moss Side Eco Squad

Upping it

Hannah Malcom - researching climate greif

Christian Climate Action 

Prestwich Environmental Forum

Incredible edible

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Categories: A2. Green Unionism

"It's not enough to win, we've got to save it forever" Interview with Save Ryebank Fields

Manchester Green New Deal Podcast - Mon, 10/19/2020 - 03:00

After a technical hitch (some say Andrew tried to turn his whole house carbon zero with just a mirror and a kettle), we are back delivering high quality low carbon local environmental news! 

This week we are joined by members from the campaign to save Ryebank Fields, an area of re-wilded land in south Manchester. Julie and Tara talk us through the work that themselves and there comrades have been doing to stop Manchester Metropolitan University from developing the land and destroying the  green field site. We discuss the rare biodiversity in the area, the history of the land and if the arguments for housing stack up against  saving city ecology.

"Shout outs"

Dave Bishop- chair of Friends of Chorlton Meadows
Youth Strike for Climate Manchester 

 research on rewilding to sequester CO2 by Rio de Janeiro University

Cambridge zero carbon campaign

Marion Smith and Pooja Kishinani of Climate Emergency Manchester have developed a students guide to the climate crisis



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Categories: A2. Green Unionism

" Greater Manchester has had 2 Billion in cuts from the tories" interview with Councillor Sam Wheeler

Manchester Green New Deal Podcast - Mon, 10/05/2020 - 03:00

City councils don't often get the same attention as the national political movers. Important decisions are still being made though when it comes to our environment and the impact we  have on it. In hopefully the first of 96 interviews with Greater Manchester City Councillors we will delve into the heart of local politics and see what those who sit in power think about the climate emergency,  the repercussions of our actions on the climate and what our elected representatives at a local level think the city can do to save us from environmental collapse. This is an exercise in good faith and activists listening to the problems our representatives face. 

Joining us this week is Sam Wheeler, Labour Councillor for Piccadilly ward. Focusing on his patch, the city centre,  we discuss the history of Manchester council, how to allocate carbon produced across the region and does Manchester need a 7th climate scrutiny committee?

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Categories: A2. Green Unionism

"Sometimes I think about it like video game design" Organising in the USA with the Sunrise Movement

Manchester Green New Deal Podcast - Mon, 09/28/2020 - 03:00

Get involved with the Retrofit Get-in Project

The Green New Deal has been around for just over a decade, with it's origins beginning in the U.K. It made it's first big splash in the US with the likes of AOC and Bernie Sanders calling for the fundamental decarbonising of the US economy and economic justice for all citizens. The support for the GND and these candidates doesn't come from wall street but a ever growing grass roots campaign that wants life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to be for all Americans.

This week we are joined by Guido Girgenti from the Sunrise Movement & the Justice Democrats (@guidogir) to discuss how the GND plays in in US politics, How do you organise in such a large nation, how to appeal to young voters and people Bernies age and what work progressives have to do if Joe Biden wins the presidential election.

Sunrise Movement

We shine Bright- New book by the Sunrise Movement

Gabriel Wienant Chronopolitics

Swarm wise by Rick Falkvinge

Shout out
Jamall Bowman running for New York 16th district

Louie Beckett running the Moston miners community center

Progressive International and Pawel Wargan

Manchester Green Summit

 Our retrofit project

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Categories: A2. Green Unionism

"Clarkson compared us to ISIS" Reflections on direct action with XR Manchester

Manchester Green New Deal Podcast - Tue, 09/22/2020 - 03:00

Apologies for some of a the audio quality, will be back on form next week.

Over August bank holiday and early September Extinction Rebellion lead protests and direct actions in major cities in the U.K with the most news grabbing being the obstruction of printing presses outside Liverpool and London. How has this round of protests influenced the fight against climate breakdown and where is the movement going?

This week we are joined again by XR Manchester member Lizzy and Joel to debrief on the actions. We discuss how are police tactics changing towards XR? How has COVID disrupted their acts of disruption, the realities and impacts of direct action on ourselves  and what the movement needs to do in the future. 


Reset Paper

Shout outs
Dianne Abbot

Greater Manchester Savers

Palestine action 

US firefighters tackling the climate wildfires of the west coast

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Categories: A2. Green Unionism

"Trees aren't good long term carbon stores" plants, peat-lands and biodiversity with Joshua Styles

Manchester Green New Deal Podcast - Mon, 09/14/2020 - 03:00

As wildfires ravage the U.S west coast it has never been more pertinent  to think about what rising global temperatures are doing to our natural environments. The wild fires in Australia at the beginning of this year  killed nearly 3 billion animals, our choices and the choices of our leaders and governments affect the world around us all. If we are to tackle the climate crisis how do we defend and reinvigorate the natural world? Are we putting too much emphasis on counting carbon instead of the costs on the natural world itself?

This week we are joined by Joshua Styles (@joshual951), from the North West Rare Plants Initiative (NWRPI). We discuss the current state of  flora & fauna protections in the UK, how the slashing of planning regulation is endangering some of our rarest wild life and is planting trees the best solution to our carbon problem?

North West Rare Planet Initiative

plants before Pandas- the guardian documentary on Josh

Nick Moles episode on pesticides 

**Shout Outs**
Chester Zoo

Lancashire Wildlife trust

City of Trees


Labour for a green new deal Legend Jill Axford

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Categories: A2. Green Unionism

"I think we genuinely scare people in power" Youth Activism with Fridays for Futures

Manchester Green New Deal Podcast - Mon, 09/07/2020 - 03:00

We are back, after a holiday break and with a new theme tune!

climate breakdown unlike other political and socio-economic crises has a tight deadline. If we don't tackle it within the next 10-25 years we're going to be heading to the Mad Max hellscape without the steam punk aesthetic. With a problem that is going to effect every generation and the ones yet to come it's no surprise people of all ages are stepping up to demand leadership on the climate.

This week on the show we are joined by Fridays for Futures' Emma Greenwood to discuss why the young are picking up this gauntlet, how education in the UK needs to be updated to deal with our climate realities and what's in store for the political future of youth movements.

Fridays for Futures
Servern Cullis Suzuki's speech at the U.N in 1992

shout outs
Youth strike MCR
Red Co-op retrofitters
If you want to get involved in retrofit jobs, fill out this form

Extinction Rebellion Manchester
Global Law Action Network who have taken the youth activists case the EU

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Categories: A2. Green Unionism

"Where does the power currently lie to shut down industries? "Interview with Extinction Rebellion Mcr

Manchester Green New Deal Podcast - Wed, 08/19/2020 - 03:00

Last summer Extinction Rebellion made headlines around the world for their civil disobedience actions. Occupying areas of major world cities and demanding that we change course now from this ecologically destructive and economically extractive  system to a regenerative and egalitarian model all based on a democratic citizens assembly. From that we've seen climate emergencies declared all around the global but the substantial work is still to be done.

This week we are joined by Lizzy Haughton and Joel Stone from Extinction Rebellion Mcr to discuss XR's development from last summer, where the movement has fallen down and how it can  evolve to really attain its goals.

Links to the local and UK rebellions this bank holiday weekend

Find your local XR group here

Shout outs
Campaign against HS2

Acorn Tenants Union- for there resisting eviction traininng

Ground work GM

Kirkstall Valley Farm

Climate Emergency Manchester

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"I don't want to live in a Green World that exploits Women" Feminist GND with Maeve Cohen

Manchester Green New Deal Podcast - Mon, 08/10/2020 - 03:00

When people think of a Green New Deal their head immediately runs towards industrial policy; building solar powered cities, dumping fossil fuels, having sustainable public transport and good Green manual jobs. That's what we need to save the world from itself and we all need to get involved to do so. If that's the case then why are the majority of those industries dominated by Men? When the traditional "breadwinner" heads out to build the Solar farm who's looking after his family? His children, his elderly parents? Are these roles not vital too? Women make up the majority of the work force in care, education, health, unpaid domestic work, where is their GND? Why are men not seen as being the child rearers and carers of the frail?  Why are we only fixating on one part of the economy if we are attempting to save the planet?

Joining us this week to discuss The Feminist Green New Deal is Maeve Cohen. Maeve is the co-author of "Towards a Feminist GND for the UK". Maeve is currently a researcher at The Sustainable Consumption Institute and former director of Rethink Economics. We unpick what a real social justice orientated GND would look like, what is intersectionality and why we should shape the post Covid economy around care.

Feminist GND Paper

Women's environmental Network

Womens budget group

Maeve's piece in Open Democracy about a feminist GND

Siliva Federici- Caliban and the Witch

Adrienne Roberts
Towards a Feminist Global Trade Politics

Shout outs
Judith Emanuel of Steady State Manchester

Harrie Larrington -Spencer

Rest in Power
Sheila Abdullah

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Categories: A2. Green Unionism

"It's a must to achieve environmental goals" Publicly controlled transport with Better Busses GM

Manchester Green New Deal Podcast - Mon, 08/03/2020 - 03:00

Public transport is a complex beast in the UK. local transport can be run by a myriad of private firms, public private partnerships, municipally owned businesses, charities, publicly controlled private firms and other quangos. No doubt that public transport is a key pillar when it comes to tackling the climate crisis but which organisation is the most effective at tackling it and how should British democracy interact with it? With smaller vital, yet seemingly unprofitable routes being cut across Manchester we ask; is there a better way? 

This week we are joined by Pascale Robinson (@PascaleRobinson) from Better Buses Greater Manchester (@BetterBusesGM) to discuss what publicly controlled transport is, how it differs from publicly owned transport and how our local democracies should interact with transport providers.

get in contact with the better buses campaign at

Shout Outs

Friends of the earth Manchester

Acorn tenants union

Guy Standing and his book "plunder of the commons"

Save Ryebank Fields 

Leo murrays "away with all the cars'

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Categories: A2. Green Unionism

"There is an action rhetoric gap" Local government on climate change with Manchester Climate Monthly

Manchester Green New Deal Podcast - Tue, 07/28/2020 - 02:00

Ironically, there has been a lot of hot air when it comes to institutions and leaders taking on climate change. Promises of carbon neutrality in far off distant dates just kick the can down the road. How can we hold people and places of power to greater account? Are local governments able to take on the climate emergency they themselves declared? Or has the Covid pandemic turning governments back to "business as usual"?

This week on the podcast we are joined By Marion Smith and Calum Mcfarlane from Manchester Climate Monthly (@ClimateEmergMcr) to discuss their recent reports on progress from GMCA since the Climate Emergency declaration, what is getting in the way of substantive change in the city and there vision for a greener Greater Manchester.

CEM J10 report

CEMs' petition for a climate scrutiny committee

Core cities report

Shout outs
Mary Heglar Climate justice activist

Jason Hickel 

Greater manchester housing action.

Circular city Manchester 

U.K student climate network

Peter Kalmus

Professor Julia Steinberger

is deep adaption flawed science?

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Categories: A2. Green Unionism

"Wealth is just scooshed out of the local economy" Community Wealth Building, with Jonty Leibowitz of CLES

Manchester Green New Deal Podcast - Mon, 07/20/2020 - 05:00

Much has been said about the centralisation of wealth and power in major cities. London, Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow, Cardiff. these behemoths sucking up the economic activity of their regions as the cities expand and draw in more people and more business in from the now dubbed "Satalite Towns". Is having all the business and production of Greater Manchester concentrated in the city centre the right economic plan for a region? Are we leaving communities to crumble as we build shiny new tower blocks in Spinningfields and Deansgate? Is there another way?

This week we are joined by Jonty Leibowitz (@JontyLeibowitz) from the Centre for Local Economic Strategies (@CLESthinkdo). Jonty talks us through Community Wealth Building, how local governments can use the powers they already have to keep wealth in there localities and how democracy in the workplace interlinks with climate change.

Jontys' new report with CLES

Shout outs
UCU campaign to save University workers

Trees not Cars

Diversifying and Decolonising Economics

Common Wealth

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Categories: A2. Green Unionism

"The council has 1.8 Billion invested in fossil fuels" Divesting from destruction with Fossil Free GM

Manchester Green New Deal Podcast - Mon, 07/13/2020 - 03:00

A year ago last week the Manchester Council and the surround councils declared a climate emergency. This was seen by many as the first step forward in Manchester becoming the green city it needs to be to tackle climate breakdown. Little did many of us know how deeply intrenched the city is with industries that are hurtling the planet towards a Mad Max future (sans the cool bikes). The Greater Manchester Pension Fund (GMPF) is the largest fund in the local government pension scheme and the 11th biggest benefit pension fund in the U.K. at a staggering 23.8 Billion pounds. Is all of that capital supporting the climate emergency?

On this weeks show we are joined by Maggie Walker & Ali Abbas from Fossil Free Greater Manchester (@FossilFreeGM) to discuss the ongoing campaign to make the GMPF divest from fossil fuels.

Fossil Free Greater Manchester

Green Investments providing 178% returns- Forbes

Latest Greater Manchester Pension Fund report

Shout Outs
University of Manchester Fossil Fuel Divestment campaign

Better Buses GM

Top fan Lucas Clay!

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Categories: A2. Green Unionism

"The Green New Deal should be about power" GND for Europe with Diem25

Manchester Green New Deal Podcast - Mon, 07/06/2020 - 03:00

Climate Breakdown transcends borders. The carbon output of Galicia while have an affect on the environment of Gateshead, Nairobi and Singapore. It's a global crisis that requires a global cooperative solution. Plans to protect the earth must link between the local, national, continental and international.

This week we are joined by Pawel Wargan (@pawelwargan) from Diem25 to explore "The Green New Deal for Europe". We discuss why democracy must be at the heart of any plan to save the planet, how the European Union institutions hold back a truly cooperative union and how the E.U can be saved from itself for the sake of the planet. 

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The Green New Deal for Europe

The EU "Green Deal"



"Shout Outs"
Mathare Social Justice Centre

Whalley ranger environmental group

Prague DSC1

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Categories: A2. Green Unionism


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